…but we stand united in providing humanitarian and financial aid to Ukrainian families that lost their homes and loved ones. Our country is bleeding but still standing as the fortress of freedom and hope in the heart of Europe. We ask every citizen to stand with Ukraine in these dark and troubling times. Join us in supporting churches, ministries, and organizations that are responding to the most imminent and dire needs of our people.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Mat. 25:35-36

Our hearts break…

As a Christian community that is closely connected to the Ukrainian people, we could not stand aside when the full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine by the Russian Federation began. House of Prayer Church Ukraine relief effort:

  • to evacuate people from the war zones

  • to support temporary shelters for Ukrainian refugees

  • to provide medical and other essential supplies to local Help Centers and refugee hubs

  • to educate and equip missionaries willing to serve in Ukraine

  • to received care about Ukrainian refugees coming under United for Ukraine

The aggression of the Russian Federation from the war to safe places.

The House of Prayer Church server as a HELP center for Ukrainian humanitarian parolees coming to our city under “Uniting for Ukraine” program. We connect them with resettlement agenesis, city and state entities to reserve available assistance. We serve as liaison to help new coming Ukrainians to adapt to the new life quickly and efficiently.

If it resonates in your heart and you would like to help financially or as a volunteer, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.